Commit 7eb64e3d by Jan Wijffels

add pkg

parent 7dd8f3df
Version: 1.0
RestoreWorkspace: Default
SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8
RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace
Package: BelgiumMaps.StatBel
Type: Package
Title: Maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces,
districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of
Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium
Description: 'BelgiumMaps.StatBel' contains maps with administrative boundaries
(national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors,
agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics
Belgium. Data is converted from Lambert CRS into the WGS84 coordinate reference system and put into UTF-8.
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <>
Author: c(person("Jan", "Wijffels", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email =
""), person("BNOSAC", role = "cph"), person("Statistics
Belgium", role = "cph", email = ""))
License: see file LICENCE
Copyright: see file COPYRIGHTS
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-06-06
VignetteBuilder: knitr
R (>= 2.10)
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
#' @name BE_ADMIN
#' @title BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: Maps with administrative boundaries of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium.
#' @description BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: Maps with administrative boundaries of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. Namely:
#' \itemize{
#' \item BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the statistical sector
#' \item BE_ADMIN_MUNTY: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the municipality
#' \item BE_ADMIN_DISTRICT: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the district
#' \item BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the province
#' \item BE_ADMIN_REGION: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the region
#' \item BE_ADMIN_BELGIUM: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the whole of Belgium
#' }
#' The original data from Statistics Belgium contains the areas at the level of the statistical sectors. These were aggregated by using the
#' definition set forth on 20/01/2011 as available in the cs012011 field.
#' Mark that Brussels is not considered as a province but for convenience, the province level of Brussels is set to the region information.
#' More information about the data can be found in the inst/documentation folder.
#' The data contains the following elements which were available at different levels.
#' \itemize{
#' \item objectid: id of the area
#' \item cs012011: statistical code of the sector at 20/01/2011
#' \item cs102001: statistical code of the sector at 20/10/2001
#' \item cs031991: statistical code of the sector at 19/03/1991
#' \item cs031981: statistical code of the sector at 19/03/1981
#' \item name of the statistical sector (dutch)
#' \item name of the statistical sector (french)
#' \item gemeente: name of the commune (dutch)
#' \item commune: name of the commune (french)
#' \item name of the district (dutch)
#' \item name of the district (french)
#' \item name of the province (dutch)
#' \item name of the province (french)
#' \item name of the region (dutch)
#' \item name of the region (french)
#' \item gis.perime: perimeter of the statistical sector
#' \item gis.area.h: surface of the statistical sector (hectare)
#' \item cad.area.h: surface of the statistical sector adjusted to the cadastral area of the commune (hectare)
#' \item nuts0: Eurostat NUTS code level 0
#' \item nuts1: Eurostat NUTS code level 1
#' \item nuts2: Eurostat NUTS code level 2
#' \item nuts3: Eurostat NUTS code level 3
#' \item gis.area.km2: surface of the statistical sector (square km)
#' \item cad.area.km2: surface of the statistical sector adjusted to the cadastral area of the commune (square km)
#' \item CD_REFNIS_SECTOR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item CD_SECTOR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_SECTOR_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_SECTOR_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item CD_MUNTY_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_MUNTY_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_MUNTY_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item CD_DSTR_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_ADM_DSTR_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_ADM_DSTR_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item CD_PROV_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_PROV_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_PROV_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item CD_RGN_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_RGN_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' \item TX_RGN_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @source \url{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @seealso \link{BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' str(BE_ADMIN_SECTORS@data)
#' library(sp)
#' plot(subset(BE_ADMIN_SECTORS, TX_RGN_DESCR_NL %in% "Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest"))
#' plot(BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
#' }
#' @title BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY: Definitions of sectors/municipalities/districts/provinces/regions in Belgium.
#' @description BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY: Definitions of sectors/municipalities/districts/provinces/regions in Belgium.
#' @docType data
#' @source \url{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @examples
#' @title BE_ADMIN_AGGLOMERATIONS: Maps with administrative boundaries of agglomerations (200m) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium
#' @description BE_ADMIN_AGGLOMERATIONS: Maps with administrative boundaries of agglomerations (200m) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium.
#' Agglomerations (200m) are groups of buildings of which none of them are more than 200m away from the closest neighbouring building.
#' @docType data
#' @source \url{}
#' @references \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sp)
#' }
#' @title Maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium
#' @description 'BelgiumMaps.StatBel' contains maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. Data is converted from Lambert CRS into the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
#' @name BelgiumMaps.StatBel-package
#' @aliases BelgiumMaps.StatBel BelgiumMaps.StatBel-package
#' @docType package
#' @examples
#' ## Administrative areas
#' str(BE_ADMIN_SECTORS@data)
#' library(sp)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/datasets.R
\title{BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: Maps with administrative boundaries of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium.}
BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: Maps with administrative boundaries of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. Namely:
\item BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the statistical sector
\item BE_ADMIN_MUNTY: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the municipality
\item BE_ADMIN_DISTRICT: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the district
\item BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the province
\item BE_ADMIN_REGION: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the region
\item BE_ADMIN_BELGIUM: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the whole of Belgium
The original data from Statistics Belgium contains the areas at the level of the statistical sectors. These were aggregated by using the
definition set forth on 20/01/2011 as available in the cs012011 field.
Mark that Brussels is not considered as a province but for convenience, the province level of Brussels is set to the region information.
More information about the data can be found in the inst/documentation folder.
The data contains the following elements which were available at different levels.
\item objectid: id of the area
\item cs012011: statistical code of the sector at 20/01/2011
\item cs102001: statistical code of the sector at 20/10/2001
\item cs031991: statistical code of the sector at 19/03/1991
\item cs031981: statistical code of the sector at 19/03/1981
\item name of the statistical sector (dutch)
\item name of the statistical sector (french)
\item gemeente: name of the commune (dutch)
\item commune: name of the commune (french)
\item name of the district (dutch)
\item name of the district (french)
\item name of the province (dutch)
\item name of the province (french)
\item name of the region (dutch)
\item name of the region (french)
\item gis.perime: perimeter of the statistical sector
\item gis.area.h: surface of the statistical sector (hectare)
\item cad.area.h: surface of the statistical sector adjusted to the cadastral area of the commune (hectare)
\item nuts0: Eurostat NUTS code level 0
\item nuts1: Eurostat NUTS code level 1
\item nuts2: Eurostat NUTS code level 2
\item nuts3: Eurostat NUTS code level 3
\item gis.area.km2: surface of the statistical sector (square km)
\item cad.area.km2: surface of the statistical sector adjusted to the cadastral area of the commune (square km)
\item CD_REFNIS_SECTOR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item CD_SECTOR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_SECTOR_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_SECTOR_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item CD_MUNTY_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_MUNTY_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_MUNTY_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item CD_DSTR_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_ADM_DSTR_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_ADM_DSTR_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item CD_PROV_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_PROV_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_PROV_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item CD_RGN_REFNIS: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_RGN_DESCR_NL: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
\item TX_RGN_DESCR_FR: Information added based on cs012011 from the dataset BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY
plot(subset(BE_ADMIN_SECTORS, TX_RGN_DESCR_NL \%in\% "Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest"))
plot(BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/datasets.R
\title{BE_ADMIN_AGGLOMERATIONS: Maps with administrative boundaries of agglomerations (200m) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium}
BE_ADMIN_AGGLOMERATIONS: Maps with administrative boundaries of agglomerations (200m) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium.
Agglomerations (200m) are groups of buildings of which none of them are more than 200m away from the closest neighbouring building.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/datasets.R
\title{BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY: Definitions of sectors/municipalities/districts/provinces/regions in Belgium.}
BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY: Definitions of sectors/municipalities/districts/provinces/regions in Belgium.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/pkg.R
\title{Maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium}
'BelgiumMaps.StatBel' contains maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. Data is converted from Lambert CRS into the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
## Administrative areas
title: "Administrative boundaries of Belgium"
author: "Jan Wijffels"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Administrative boundaries of Belgium based on Open Data at Statistics Belgium}
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
The **BelgiumMaps.StatBel** package contains maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. Data is converted from Lambert CRS into the WGS84 coordinate reference system.
This data is available in the several objects:
- BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the statistical sector
- BE_ADMIN_MUNTY: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the municipality
- BE_ADMIN_DISTRICT: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the district
- BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the province
- BE_ADMIN_REGION: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the region
- BE_ADMIN_BELGIUM: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of the whole of Belgium
- BE_ADMIN_HIERARCHY: data.frame with administrative hierarchy of Belgium
- BE_ADMIN_AGGLOMERATIONS: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with polygons and data at the level of an agglomeration (200m)
```{r dataset}
This core data of the package contains administrative boundaries at the level of the statistical sector which can easily be plotted using the sp or the leaflet package.
```{r basic plots}
plot(subset(BE_ADMIN_SECTORS, TX_RGN_DESCR_NL %in% "Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest"),
main = "NIS sectors in Brussels")
All municipalities, districts, provinces, regions and country level boundaries are also directly available in the package.
```{r direct}
plot(BE_ADMIN_MUNTY, main = "Belgium municipalities")
plot(subset(BE_ADMIN_MUNTY, TX_RGN_DESCR_NL %in% "Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest"), main = "Municipalities in Brussels")
plot(BE_ADMIN_DISTRICT, main = "Belgium districts")
plot(BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
Integrate with BelgiumStatistics
The data also contains NIS codes which can be used to link against the data in the BelgiumStatistics package. This package can be found at
OpenStreetMap data about Belgium
Next to this data with administrative boundaries, another package called BelgiumMaps.OpenStreetMap is available which contains geospatial data of Belgium regarding landuse, natural, places, points, railways, roads and waterways, extracted from OpenStreetMap. More information:
Support in geospatial analysis
Need support in geospatial analysis or geospatial mapping.
Contact BNOSAC:
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